Listening, microcredit, entrepreneurship.

Fondazione Grameen Italia was born as an expression of the will of the Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus to start a center in Europe capable of promoting Microcredit and the so-called Social Business based on the Grameen Bank model.

With our accompanying services, we support micro-entrepreneurs from the early stages of development of the business idea until the loan is extinguished.

SportHello, the help desk for entrepreneurs

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur who needs a microcredit to relaunch your business or to start a new one on your own, but you have many questions on how to do it?


Support in the emergency from Covid-19

In this moment of confusion and significant changes, Fondazione Grameen Italia is taking action to meet the needs of micro-entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs.

We are working hard to respond to the new needs generated by the lockdown and the subsequent phases, which are impairing large sections of the population week by week.

This is why we want to actively participate in this new Italian and global scenario by making at your disposal our professionalism and experience.